New Writing
"Man up with a Balance of Compassion"
See its link under
"FAQ About Christianity"

Ask me any Question you want. Go to contact the writer. Example question: Does everything happen for a reason? Answer: I do not know but below is what I do know; A Common Misconception
The problem with the statement “everything happens for a reason” is that it has no words in it like Holy Spirt, Jesus or God the Father. How can a philosophy be rooted in Christ if it has no spiritual words in it? When you look at scripture most things are rooted to either the glory of God, loving God, the purposes of God or the will of God. “Everything happens for a reason” has none of these listed in it. In society some people have good intentions but, they need to rework this statement to be more rooted in Christ. I do not have all the answers. It is something society needs to figure out for themselves.

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love God, who have been called according to his purpose. Romans 8:28

I believe that Romans 8:28 is those who Love God and want to do things for God’s Purpose; then all things work together for Good.

Maybe rework statement too;

The Goal of People is to have Everything Committed to Christ for his Reasons.

Painting of Everything Committed to Christ for His Reasons First Painting in Spiritual Blogs. 16 by 20 inches
1. How to get saved? The 2nd thing under Speech Player called Town to Town about Salvation.
2. How is Jesus the Only way to Heaven? The 2nd thing under Scripture Player called Jesus only way with Scriptures.
3. How to have revival in America? #5 under Speech Player called Steps to Righteousness by God's Glory.
4. How to have the right balance between God, self and others? The Principal of Greatness of God and Man in a sunset picture background.

How to have Joy no matter what the circumstances is described in The Miracle of Always Worshiping with a Green Grass and Tree background. Orange Font is links.

How is Jesus the same through out all the events of life? Answer: The first thing on Speech Player called God Breathed the Same Salvation Not Kept a Secret.

Scripture Player w stands for word of God link below
Deny Self Leads to Completeness in Jesus  is a New speech Under Scripture Player.
Under Ubiquitous Admin Blogs is Money Motivations: Good, Neutral, Caution and Bad
How Jesus Would Explain John 4 Back Then

John 4:10-14 Jesus answered her, “If you knew the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked him and he would have given you living water.” 11 “Sir,” the woman said, “you have nothing to draw with and the well is deep. Where can you get this living water? 12 Are you greater than our father Jacob, who gave us the well and drank from it himself, as did also his sons and his livestock?”
13 Jesus answered, “Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, 14 but whoever drinks the water I give them will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give them will become in them a spring of water welling up to eternal life.”

Today Jesus would have said

“If you knew the gift of God and who it is that asks you for Everything Good, you would have asked him and he would have given you Eternal Life. Why Everything Good because it says in 1 Corinthians 10:31 and Colossians 3:17 to do everything for the Glory of God. While Living Water example still rings very true today more things are accomplished and getting close to the end times. Back then Jesus was teaching people He always knows Everything Good. Today there have been over 2000 years for people to practice Everything Good that Jesus has commanded us. Back then people heard the teaching of Jesus. Nicodemus did not fully know what it means to be born again. Today we fully know what it means to be born again. John 14:12 “12 Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father.”

We have the potential to be the most righteous generation and more righteous than the disciples and all the people in the Old Testament. On the other hand, I am not saying we are any more righteous just that we have the potential to be. Currently, we have a greater study of the bible and Everything Good has been presented to us.

When I say Everything Good it means Eternal Life not a perfect life on earth until Jesus comes a second time. I know that in the garden with Adam and Eve everything was made good. Sin entered the world and God had to have many prophets to teach people what is good. The Most Important Prophet of all, Jesus Christ, taught people about Living Water springing up to Eternal Life. Everything Good may have been taught and just as true as back then as today. However, we have a better understanding of the scriptures today. Except sometimes it seems God performs less signs and wonders and miracles today than in the days of the bible until Jesus comes the second time. However, I do not want to put God in a box so what I say may not always be true. Both Living Water and Everything Good are about Eternal Life. They sound similar because God is the same yesterday, today, and forever and both point to the same thing, Eternal Life. Just different from a time frame back then over 2000 years ago vs today.

This is an example of bridging the gap between what Jesus preached 2000 plus years ago to NOW.

Three Subjects Below 
1. A new video about God being meaningful and more powerful than all.
2. Two Paintings and one Video.
3. Comment on an Important Scripture.

1.  God brings meaning too life and, God is more powerful than all creation and, government; a short video second thing by scrolling side to side. 

2. The first painting is chalkboard that says All Writing to Jesus under Modern Lessons from the Parable of the Sower, a blog under Ubiquitous Admin Blogs. The second is a short video.
  The third is a painting of Holy Spirt Fire under Spiritual Blogs in How to Say the Trinity in 5 Languages. Scroll side to side to see all 3 Images.

3.  ''Philippians 2:5-11 
5 In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus: 6 Who, being in very nature[a] God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage; 7 rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature[b] of a servant, being made in human likeness. 8 And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to death—even death on a cross! 9 Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, 10 that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, 11 and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.''
My comment about this scripture:
The “nothing” that Christ is referring to is low on the hierarchy of society, but Jesus did not become nothing for nothing. He already understands that in order to reach everyone He had to be low on the earthly hierarchy in order to reach everyone. For human leaders it is better to say I study the low on the hierarchy, people with disabilities, and all the disadvantaged, to make everyone feel valued. Where is the Value no matter where someone is in the hierarchy of society?
Jesus started out small like a mustard seed even though He is much bigger than a mustard seed. Jesus King of the universe came to earth as a humble baby not from a privileged family. NOW in John chapter 16 a mother gives birth and forgets the anguish of birth pains because a Baby is born into the world. Someone Greater than a baby being born is among you and is the love of the Father and the Power of Salvation. Plug in Value in Hierarchy.     

Josh Hochstedler

Head Superiors Card Game Video

More info about this card game coming soon : Play Below.

Preparing for New Jerusalem But it is Not Ready Yet

Prepare for God's Government to come.

Written By: Josh Hochstedler It is written in two parts as follows: Part One: Government Mechanics Part Two: Prepare for God's Government PART ONE - GOVERNMENT MECHANICS. Not realistic but society would be better off if State and Federal Courts have bias FOR CHRISTIANITY and not bias of people or political party. At the State level the highest court would be called the Super Court of Ohio. Also at the State level it is called the Superintendent of the House. Government will always lose its way if it does not follow God's way. PART TWO - Preparing for God's Government Who is Preparing the Way for the Second Coming of Jesus? John the Baptist prepared the way for the first coming of Jesus. Who is preparing the way for the second coming of Jesus? The Answer is God Himself because if it were a human that might put too much emphasis on that person. God humbled the land of Zebulun and Naphtali by the true prophets and then hundreds of years later, Honored the land by way of the sea beyond the Jordan though Jesus. Now before the two Witnesses of God (Revelation 11) and the Anti-Christ come; before that happens, the Holy Spirt and God Himself prepare the way for the second coming of Jesus. So what Jesus is doing now is preparing New Jerusalem but it is not ready yet. I believe Jesus did not baptize anyone because He did not want too much emphasis on that man. It was his disciples so that means God uses people to do his work. While there are prophets in 2024 there is less emphasis on a prophet currently than in the Old Testament. In the Last days God spoke to us through Jesus. But when the Two Witnesses are revealed in the future there will be more emphasis on them than the prophets now. Based on the following Scriptures Isiah 9:1 second sentence Matthew 4:15 Hebrews 1:1-4 Revelation 11:1-14 John 4:1-3 .

Being Joyful - Shepherd of Guinea Pigs, Sheep or Lions

Everyone needs to be joyful! We should accept an assignment of God to be a Shepherd of little Guinea Pigs. Deny yourself and be thankful. If it is an assignment from the Lord, it is truly awesome. We do not always have to be a Shepherd of Sheep but can simply be a Shepherd of Guinea Pigs. Joy and humor come with Guinea Pig care. So, what if people are fools for Christ as a Shepherd of Guinea Pigs but there has to be a balance and limit to it. What comes after the cross is Pentecost of the Holy Spirt. Life is sometimes a heavy Cross to bear but it should be more Joyful than that, like the Joy of a Guinea Pig “squeaking”. One can have great Joy in the assignment of being a Shepherd of Guinea Pigs if Life does not grant you being a Shepherd of the Sheep. One could also be a Shepherd of Lions against the Enemy as a posture of resistance. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. Think of Jesus as the Lion of the Tribe of Judah who kicks the devil away. What is the process of going from a Shepherd of Guinea Pigs to a Shepherd of Sheep? Begin by denying self and accepting the assignment of the Lord for your life. Quoted from my Guinea Pig Parable “A Guinea Pig seems less useful than a dog because a dog can be used for security and a service dog for the blind. A Guinea Pig seems less useful than a horse because a horse can pull wagons or have a rider. A Guinea Pig creates joy and teaches people that joy has equal importance to usefulness because if something is useful without being joyful it can cause problems. People cannot just care about what is useful and profitable. What if someone has a disability and is slightly less useful and profitable but creates a lot of Joy. Not apples to apples but being joyful even if less useful is the lesson that this Guinea Pig Parable teaches.” Reality is finding out your uses. Truth to the Guinea Pig Parable is joy, contentment, and thankfulness. But usefulness and being real still matters. When someone goes on a job interview the Shepherd of Guinea Pigs philosophy may not work well. Use common sense when to use this and when not to. Below is what to do in a job interview. Quoted from The Principal of Greatness of God and Man “It is actually ok to promote yourself in a way that makes God and others more important than yourself. Example, when you have a job interview you promote yourself. Greatness and high self-esteem are what God wants, as long as it does not get in the way of others and God being Greater than I am attitude. Most importantly Joy is God-esteem but it is also self-esteem.” This is an example of when the Shepherd of Guinea Pigs may not work out well. The Shepherd of Guinea Pigs has a balance and a limit to it. I do not know the percentage, limit, and balance because it may be different for the many situations in life. Try to be as useful as Lions, Dogs, Horses and Sheep yet have joy like a Guinea Pig when they squeak and have joy in the moments you do not feel useful. Have a balance of all three animals’ characteristics: contentment like a Guinea Pig, fighting the enemy like a Lion, and Sheep in following Jesus. All three concepts are needed. Being a Shepherd of Guinea Pigs is incomplete all by its self. Based on the following scriptures: John chapter 10, Matthew 16:24-26, Romans 8:18, Acts chapter2, Philippians 4:12-15 in a Guinea Pig way, Revelation 5:2-5

The Astronomical Magnitude of Good News of Who Jesus Is

Jesus Christ is the most important Prophet of all because He fulfilled all the Old Testament prophecies and gave us hints of prophecies in the book of Revelation for the future. When you walk into a room, if you have Jesus Christ in you, I pray you get so anointed that the demons are not anywhere within a football field of you, everywhere you go, in every room you go. Beyond that you are so anointed that people that are not saved, without even speaking, they get convicted of their sin. But not idolatry anointing which means to use Christ to help benefit you. The anointing of Jesus Christ and Him crucified ratifies our salvation! Barely name anyone as anointed other than the anointing of Jesus Christ. People, for the sake of being spiritual, try to say an anointing is not about them at all. I disagree, while God and others are more important than I attitude, joy comes when others honor someone as happy and fun to be around. Rather than omitting self, say it is barely about me rather than saying it is not about me at all. When God uses people and people say I give all the Glory to God, if Glory means prayer this is correct because you and I should want no idolatry. But what about credit, respect, joy, and thankfulness? While I give credit to God, I also feel personally valued when God works through me. Behind Jesus’s name is access to Him who sits on the throne and the Holy Spirt. Behind Jesus’s name is the riches of heaven. If everyone is saved, knows Jesus, and has a real close walk with God, the world would be a much better place. For example, in biblical times people lived much longer before their bad behavior resulted in a flood after which mankind’s lifespan was reduced. People could live above 300 years. Rutherford B. Hayes born in 1822 would still be living. As Christians we want our lives to represent Him. When society sees a Christian, they should see a small piece of Jesus. Everyone should bring the Good News of the Holy Ghost to their workplace to be a Vicar of whatever business they are in. Vicar is a synonym for Pastor. Everyone is a Vicar for the kingdom of God; just because you do not have the title of pastor nonetheless every believer is a Vicar of the Gospel. Every business, government, organization, and job in the whole wide world needs to have Vicars in it.

God in the beginning, middle and end of life by making Joy only based on Jesus.

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If people knew how freeing it is to surrender to Christ like a slave, they would have asked Him, and he would have given them the truth that sets them free.

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Jesus spoke Tongues of Truth but there is not one scripture reference of Him speaking in other tongues or different languages.

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After looking through Website thoroughly do you have any FAQ about Christ?

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All the trees of the forest will know that I the Lord bring down the tall tree and make the low tree grow tall. I dry up the green tree and make the dry tree flourish. Every valley shall be filled in, every mountain and hill made low.

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Fruit of the Spirt in a believer’s life, love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control.

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“My Kingdom is not of this world” was never intended to separate God from the work force.

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Nothing in all creation can Surpass Half the Knowledge and Power of God.

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The Son of God is Real and so is Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter Principles to be observed. Painting SOLD

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A Guinea Pig creates joy and teaches people that joy has equal importance to usefulness.

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No foothold to the devil and resist the devil from every angle.

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The Principle of Greatness of God and Man

“Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, 4 not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others. 5 In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus: 6 Who, being in very nature[a] God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage; 7 rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature[b] of a servant, being made in human likeness.” Philippians 2:3-7 This is the truth but not the whole of scripture. Greatness is more about others. I hope others surpass me and are greater than me in how much they do for the Lord. The work of God in Christ Jesus is never saying I am nothing because Christ did not die for nothing. The nothing in the Bible is the humility of caring for others above self. Also, when you do someone a favor, expect nothing in return. That is in the Bible but Jesus says you do greater things than me. It is clear that no one is nothing. If in fact I, Josh Hochstedler, want to be great and have self-esteem as long as I train people in the Lord and they surpass me, I am not jealous. But I am very glad they are greater than I am and do more for the Lord than Me. Do the opposite of this scripture: 15 “Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You travel over land and sea to win a single convert, and when you have succeeded, you make them twice as much a child of hell as you are. Matthew 23:15 Blessed are those who do the opposite and make disciples twice as much a child of heaven as I am. Jesus actually wants people to do more for the Lord than Him. But He is God. So, if others or I do more for Christ than what Christ did himself, then put that with humility. God is a jealous God and the only reason I am able to do that is because of God. All glory to God and make myself nothing from the aspect of worshiping of self but not in the aspect of value or lower self-esteem. Greater things are yet to come, Town-to-Town, City-by-City, State-by-State and Nation-to-Nation. You will receive power when the Holy Spirt comes on you. It is actually ok to promote yourself in a way that makes God and others more important than yourself. Example, when you have a job interview you promote yourself. Greatness and high self-esteem are what God wants, as long as it does not get in the way of others and God being Greater than I am attitude. Most importantly Joy is God-esteem but it is also self-esteem. Same style of Writing as John 14:9-14. Matthew 3:11, John 1:15

Merging Maturity and Faith

     By the Holy Spirt Guiding you, adults obey their bosses; children may have better faith in God than adults do.  Be as mature as an adult but have faith like that of a child.  What people are missing is I bow my knee to Jesus before it is forced on judgement day.  Adults are afraid to look childish but let me tell you following Jesus is the most childish thing you can do regarding the aspect of faith not the aspect of maturity.  Be as mature as an adult but have faith like that of a child, both are needed.  Through all of life, what are you willing to do for God Almighty and Jesus Christ the Righteous One? 

This writing is based on the following Scriptures;  

Luke 18:15-17, Luke 1:39-45, Philippians 2:9-11, 1 Corinthians 13:11-13 


This Based on John14:12 and Luke 2:41-52 

I know that a child is supposed to be obedient to his/her parents so what I am about to say applies to NO child other than Jesus.  Even though Jesus did not start his full-blown ministry until age 30 people say Jesus was lost at the temple at age 12.  Mary and Joseph responded in a way parents do, and did not treat Jesus as God nor did they trust him as fully knowing what he was doing.  Jesus was laying the ground work for 18 years later to preach more fully.  The real parent of Jesus is God the Father. On the other hand, Jesus said “I and the Father are one.”  

The real way his parents should have responded is “we are very proud of your teaching in the temple courts and being in your father’s house to bring the kingdom of God.”  I am not saying I would have handled the situation better but to say trust Jesus.  He always knows what he is doing.  Jesus said his disciples will do greater works than Christ himself.  We have the capability to respond in a greater way than Mary and Joseph in trusting God more.  

Some people want to be a parent to Jesus in 2022 when they say I want to tell God what to do.  Even though it is not an apples-to-apples comparison the mystery of God must be trusted. My motivation is usually not about Greatness but it is about learning to trust God when it does not make sense.  It clearly does not make sense how there is so much pain and suffering in the world, allowed by a loving God. 

 It is not selfish to try to learn from the Bible and do a greater and better job than the people in the Bible.  God’s spirt flowing more through us than the people in the Bible is what we should strive for.  We need to raise the standard of trusting God even when it seems like he doesn’t know what he is doing.  Most of the credit and all the Glory belongs to God.  Nothing good can ever be done without God. In the Bible people do not trust God enough because they did not know what to do with this passage.  It was only presented in the Gospel of Luke but not in Matthew, Mark and John.  Trusting in God more than John, Matthew, and Mark is possible.  I am not saying this to belittle or be greater or say I am perfect; I am so far from perfect and Matthew, Mark and John are SUPER important books of the Bible EQUALLY valid to the gospel of Luke that need to be studied by everyone.  But I am saying this to have the spirt of the living God in me, Greater than the people in the Bible to bring forth salvation to the whole wide world, and to trust God even more than Mary and Joseph when Life doesn’t make sense.

Revelation 11

Revelation 11 is about the 700 Million Christian witnesses with Miracle powers in the end times. It is about two groups of people: the House of Jews and the House of Gentiles, or something similar to that. According to Ambassadors of Christ Network in The Two Witnesses Movie, Revelation 11 is not about Just two people but 700 Million Christians that have Miraculous powers in the end times. The movie is more of a documentary that backs everything up with scripture, like the two faithful churches of the seven mentioned that represent approximately 29% of all believers. Even if this theory ends up being wrong it is a theory worth thinking about as being possible. With this theory, even if the witnesses end up being only two people, their power would still help many people get through life during the tribulation. Satan can do miracles and counterfeit things but God is always bigger. Conversations about end times should be more about the 4 Living Creatures, Good Angles about God, and the Witnesses than about the Anti-Christ, False Prophet, and the Tribulation because God’s Omniscience, Power, and Judgement over all things Evil will prevail. Too much talk about the Anti-Christ, not enough talk about Jesus the Ultimate Overcomer.

Society needs to be able to value someone that holds 30-55% less in a semi load because there is a certain angle and aspect of better maneuverability and fewer blind spots, which can have better value even though less is accomplished in a day.

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A new rule when you play chess, you cannot take more than 5 pieces including the king and win the game.

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All Mayors, Governors, and public school buildings 5% or more funding for Christianity

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Money with less tracking and Proclamation of the Gospel.

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I think that Jesus would have used modern terminology if He were giving us this parable today in 2022

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Crime could be reduced by rewarding good behavior with a bonus. The other thing is this is not based on taxes; it is based on how much money is saved by lower crime.

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Making things equal for Republican, Democrat or Independent; by everyone paying the same amount of money for political reasons. Glory to God!

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Jesus is calling everyone from a mile away out of the Political Giant Cruise Ship to walk on water and follow Him.

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Sin makes people's lives ten times more complicated. Laws are partly based on the Bible - is that good or bad in your opinion?

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Non-denominational Prayer and Bible reading in Public School as it was Eighty years ago context.

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Jesus Christ is Head Supremacist and Ultimate Teacher

The Bible describes the Supremacy of the Son of God and Jesus as teacher and Lord. He is the King of kings and Lord or lords. Based on Scripture, this is what Jesus is to me. Today it seems okay to lie. Saying I sold $150,000 when I only sold $100,000 in profit for a business; or, in politics, it is ok to lie if lying gives someone leverage or helps improve their view point; in order to have control of people, then it is alright to lie. None of these should be tolerated. If business is slow, it is better to say so because to lie might make it harder to increase business. In politics, if you have to lie to try to get your idea to pass Congress, it is a bad idea. Do not lie at all! How about telling the truth and talk about meeting in the middle, thrive and compromise? Follow the 9th commandment: “You shall not lie.” Exodus 20:16. Jesus’ blood covers everything; Jesus forgives sins and gives grace to people. But I do not like that some people in society who, by giving them grace, it empowers them to sin again. Grace is only meant for people that will not take advantage of it. How much wrongdoing can I get away with, should never be tolerated! It should be, I repent and do my best not to do wrong again. Be set free by the truth. Sometimes a repentant and discerning heart is greatly honored. Do more for the Lord than not lie; but let his presences saturate every part of you and me. Like a fire shut up in my bones Holy Spirt come upon us and help us obey all of Jesus' teaching! Based on: Colossians 1:15-23, John 13:12-14, Mathew 23:7-10, Revelations 19:16, John 8:32, Colossians 3:9, Luke 16:1-13

     We ought to have a computer programming language that is constructed using all of the words in the Bible. This idea would help computer programmers be more committed to Christ.  However, only computer programmers would know about this idea because the public does not see the language that a program or app is written in.  So why would I want to use Bible words to write computer programs if the people using the programs don’t see them.  Well, I think people would make better decisions if the anointing of God is on the computer program and thus also on the host computer running the program.  Maybe the difference is small like only 15% better and almost unnoticeable; that is better than 15% worse.  Since some people in society are wanting to take God out of everything, let’s try to do the opposite and put God in everything!  Computer languages are only a tool but let’s make the tool include Jesus in its underlying details. 
     An example of not including enough Bible details in something we use all the time can be seen with our money.  Starting in 1957, “In God We Trust” has been printed on our money.  It has now been on our money for 64 years and people are still sometimes making horrible decisions with money.  In my opinion that is because not enough Bible details are used in making and using our money.  If 85% or close to all of the details about making and using money are committed to Jesus, people would make better decisions.  “In God we trust” is good but you need more Bible specifications to really be committed to Christ.
        Everyone uses computers and people should want Jesus in the inside details of their computer. There is currently no way to put Jesus in the underlying details of programs running on computers. I challenge someone to make a computer programming language that is constructed using all of the words of the Bible (because I don’t know how to do it).

Computer Programming Language Using Bible Words image

THE MIRACLE OF ALWAYS WORSHIPING GOD The parable of the mustard seed is akin to the Kingdom of God. To have faith as little as a mustard seed, you can move mountains. Then what is the parable of how miracles work? At the roughest point in someone’s life it is like God saying what is the bare minimum miracles for you to have hope and not a miracle more? I am NOT saying this because I expect a miracle but in Justifying life is hard and not fair. From a less depressing view point because saying life is not fair it is easier to NOT have God In the conversation. Miracles of Jesus are way more rooted in God and Christ Jesus. This is because it is better to say bare Minimum Miracles or have faith as small as a mustard seed; then just saying life is not fair, and hard. The words not fair are not connected to Jesus as the miracles are even if it is barely a miracle. I believe Jesus would say small faith as small as a mustard seed or small miracles are more important than complaining that life is not fair because miracles are more connected and rooted to God way better than the True statement life is not fair. Other times God does a lot of miracles. I do not want to come up with a formula or put God in a box but say whether it be God doing a lot of miracles or little miracles I will still worship Him. Also, you always receive the Miracle of Worshiping Jesus. It is perhaps not the miracle of physical or financial blessing. Sometimes prayer for a miracle and not receiving the miracle you want of physical or financial blessing but instead the miracle of Worshiping God. When you or I go through all that and still Worship God, that is a Miracle! COMMENT Bare Minimum Miracles comment on my own views 2 years ago. Start with the positive - this writing is rooted in Christ very well. However, God does do small humble beginnings, but they grow. Bare Minimum, even if it is Miracles, where is the growth if not financially then spiritually? Also, even if people are not prophets or kings the principal of what I am going to tell you applies if you are a Christian. When the Prophet Samuel anointed King Saul and Saul did worse things than disobey, he did not repent. Looking at this in the view of Samuel wondering why did Saul not have a heart after God. More importantly why did God choose someone to be king if he knew this was going to happen? Not apples to apples but if people are not prophets or kings, what are Christians supposed to do when things do not work out even though you or I tried to put God in everything? Well, keep trusting God and eventually things will work out; even when in the pain of life God does not do a bare minimum Job. Why mention this now, because God was pleased I am rooted in Christ, but I had a mechanic of how God operated that needed to be corrected. If I do not know why, say "I do not know" rather than in my humanness making something up.

How do the above Scripture Player readings Apply to Today?

The below numbered questions are related to the same numbered Scripture Player reading. What are your thoughts?

1. Put More Joy and Love in Denying Self. 2. Jesus is the only way to heaven; however, I do not judge people that do not believe the way I do. So that way they eventually come to Christ. How much would it help society if everyone would be united on this issue? 3. In the Bible Jesus uses sheep to represent people. Also My sheep know my voice through prayer and Bible reading - that is true. I want to apply this to today. Who in current day society does not enter the sheep pen through the gate? 4. 2 Corinthians 3:7-18 How is Jesus of Greater Glory than the prophets in the Old Testament? What profound impact does that have on Today? 5. Advantages and Disadvantages of Living in post New Testament times. Cross reference #4 on Scripture Player at 2 minutes 30 seconds - 4 Minutes and 50 seconds. Also another cross reference is Town to Town about Salvation in Speech Player at 1 minutes 30 seconds - 3 minutes 5 seconds. What is the most important advantage of Living Now in post New Testament times after the resurrection of Jesus? 6. Who in current day society is most like the Pharisees? Not church leaders in my opinion. So then who is it? 7. Matthew 24 The Destruction of the Temple and Signs of the End Times. Jesus is the only Prophet and Leader from the Bible that people are to worship. So, the question is, who in current day society are the false prophets and how do people gently lead them to Jesus? Who in current day society is the wicked servant?


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  • Jan 15, 2023

High Quality Art with Frame 25.5 by 37.5 inches. Contact the writer with your home address and a donation it will be shipped to you.

  • Jan 15, 2023

This is a painting 25.25 by 19.25 inches including frame. I did the sun someone else did the waves. Contact the writer with your home address and a donation it will be shipped to you.

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Man up with a Balance of Compassion Man up or Women up using Niagara Falls yet bigger than Niagara Falls because it is Heaven falls. The power of the water is stronger than any man. Go with the flow of a Compassionate God and not people. Also, if people knew the gift of God and who it is who asks them to power up with the Holy Spirit, you would ask Him and He would give you a power that never runs out. But be careful because this power is spiritual and perhaps not health and wealth. Be a man swift as a widespread river through the Holy Spirit. Be realistic yes, because everyone has limits but society needs to man up in Jesus because Jesus did not come to bring condemnation but righteousness! If Jesus does not condemn you and He is the King of King than you should feel less of a rebuke when people condemn you. We may hurt each other but man up to who you are in Christ. Honor is greater than humility if it is in the Holy Ghost. Through the Holy Spirit be Proud and have honor. Being poor in spirit is humility but it clearly is Not be poor in the Holy Spirt. In the scriptures it directly says that Jesus is Greater honor than all the prophets and kings. So, though the Holy Spirit Honor is greater than humility, Jesus did not come to bring condemnation but righteousness. Scripture says Jesus is greater Honor than all. He did not come to humble people more unless they are sinning, than that is the exception. Honor through the Holy Spirit is Greater than Humility but where you need to be careful is the world’s view be very humble. But God’s view is to be Exalted. In the King James version, the prophets. “Nevertheless the dimness shall not be such as was in her vexation, when at the first he lightly afflicted the land of Zebulun and the land of Naphtali, and afterward did more grievously afflict her by the way of the sea, beyond Jordan, in Galilee of the nations.“ My comment is that Jesus, in comparison, more grievously afflicted the Land compared to lightly afflicted the land by the prophets. “More Grievously” means more of the Holy Spirit but not more humility, unless you are sinning. Jesus mostly did not come to humble the land more but to Honor the Land more. That is what the New International Version says. Jesus did not come for vengeance; He came for salvation. Value in 3 Aspects Honor, Gift, Glory Isiah 9:1b In the past God humbled the land of Zebulun and the land of Naphtali by the Prophets, but in the future God will Honor Galilee of the nations, by the Way of the Sea, beyond the Jordan through Jesus. Honoring Jesus is the first aspect of Value. John 4:10 “If you knew the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked him and he would have given you living water.” Jesus is a Gift Greater than All the Prophets and Jesus’s Gift is second aspect of Value 2 Corinthians 3:9 If the ministry that brought condemnation through Moses was glorious, how much more glorious is the ministry that brings righteousness through Jesus! Glory is the 3 aspects of Value

Christ Take Captive Every Thought

Christmas and Pentecost It is very clear that people today have better access to God through Jesus than anyone else in the Bible. The Lord Most High is Lord over all whether it be God on the Throne or Jesus as a Baby. Jesus is always the Lord Most High. In the King James Bible, it says “Highest”; synonyms to Highest are Uppermost, Topmost, Peak, Systematic, Chief and Foremost. Greater Glory is in the New Covenant of Pentecost than at Christmas time; however, they are equal. Just as the Father is Greater than Jesus yet they are ONE is a mystery. So is the Resurrection of Jesus Christ being Greater than the Birth, yet Both are of Equal importance is a mystery. The Birth of Jesus Christ being a perfect sacrifice yet born of a virgin by the Holy Spirt is a prerequisite of equal importance to Him dying on a cross. Hebrews 3:3 Jesus has been found worthy of greater honor than Moses, just as the builder of a house has greater honor than the house itself. 2 Corinthians 3:9 If the ministry that brought condemnation through Moses was glorious, how much more glorious is the ministry that brings righteousness through Jesus! Hebrews 9:11-12 11 But when Christ came as High Priest of the good things that are now already here, he went through the greater and more perfect tabernacle that is not made with human hands, that is to say, is not a part of this creation. 12 He did not enter by means of the blood of goats and calves; but he entered the Most Holy Place once for all by HIS own blood, thus obtaining Eternal Redemption. My Comment Jesus is more powerful than all the Old Testament Prophets and taught us to do this. 5 We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ. 2 Corinthians 10:5 So, the Devil has Monitoring Spirts over people’s lives, but I rebuke them in Jesus’ name. God the Holy Spirt is less forceful than the devil such that you have to ask Him to monitor your life. But ask Jesus and God the Father to monitor your thoughts and be freed from sin. It is ok for people not to know everything you are thinking but with God it is a different Story. Someone does not trust God enough to ask Him to monitor their thoughts. I am talking to someone I do not know who. Josh Hochstedler

Online Preaching For Jesus

Read the Spiritual and Ubiquitous Admin Blogs, Listen to the Speech and Scripture Player. I propose: People using objects and money in a manner to promote the Kingdom of God for maximum advantage without idolizing materialism or people. Good works in Jesus’s name causes Leverage if these good works are for proclaiming Jesus of Nazareth. How will my suffering or blessings bring Leverage for God and very little leverage for myself?