23 Nov

Jesus talked about the mustard seed that starts very small but becomes a big garden plant.  So also, is the birth of Christ it started out small and insignificant. Jesus King of the universe, started out small and unimportant; Jesus did not come as a king of royalty but was born in a stable of hay.  While Jesus had little earthly advantages, he came to teach mankind that small humble beginnings are best.  Jesus in Revelations is not just a humble servant but a King of the whole universe. Jesus started out small like a mustard seed even though he is much bigger than a mustard seed. Jesus King of the universe came as a humble baby not from a privileged family.  

A Dream Committed to God 

So, dream small.  Take a lower place in your thinking when you present a plan to God.  I am going to make the case, dream you must to have hope and Joy. You need to dream but when you do dream small.  A small dream is usually easier to be surrendered to God than a large dream.  Then once your dream is already committed to God, let the Lord dream a bigger dream for you.  Power comes more from God when you have a small mustard seed mentality that God grows really large. It can be larger than what you can imagine. Small and ordinary is how Jesus reached everyone for Him.  Jesus’s Kingdom grew and grew; to reach the whole world to be very significant and of high value, and with self-esteem.

Based on the following Scriptures

Luke 14:7-11, Matthew 13:31-32

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Does your or my dream have the backing of God on it?

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