Merging Maturity and Faith

     By the Holy Spirt Guiding you, adults obey their bosses; children may have better faith in God than adults do.  Be as mature as an adult but have faith like that of a child.  What people are missing is I bow my knee to Jesus before it is forced on judgement day.  Adults are afraid to look childish but let me tell you following Jesus is the most childish thing you can do regarding the aspect of faith not the aspect of maturity.  Be as mature as an adult but have faith like that of a child, both are needed.  Through all of life, what are you willing to do for God Almighty and Jesus Christ the Righteous One? 

This writing is based on the following Scriptures;  

Luke 18:15-17, Luke 1:39-45, Philippians 2:9-11, 1 Corinthians 13:11-13 


This Based on John14:12 and Luke 2:41-52 

I know that a child is supposed to be obedient to his/her parents so what I am about to say applies to NO child other than Jesus.  Even though Jesus did not start his full-blown ministry until age 30 people say Jesus was lost at the temple at age 12.  Mary and Joseph responded in a way parents do, and did not treat Jesus as God nor did they trust him as fully knowing what he was doing.  Jesus was laying the ground work for 18 years later to preach more fully.  The real parent of Jesus is God the Father. On the other hand, Jesus said “I and the Father are one.”  

The real way his parents should have responded is “we are very proud of your teaching in the temple courts and being in your father’s house to bring the kingdom of God.”  I am not saying I would have handled the situation better but to say trust Jesus.  He always knows what he is doing.  Jesus said his disciples will do greater works than Christ himself.  We have the capability to respond in a greater way than Mary and Joseph in trusting God more.  

Some people want to be a parent to Jesus in 2022 when they say I want to tell God what to do.  Even though it is not an apples-to-apples comparison the mystery of God must be trusted. My motivation is usually not about Greatness but it is about learning to trust God when it does not make sense.  It clearly does not make sense how there is so much pain and suffering in the world, allowed by a loving God. 

 It is not selfish to try to learn from the Bible and do a greater and better job than the people in the Bible.  God’s spirt flowing more through us than the people in the Bible is what we should strive for.  We need to raise the standard of trusting God even when it seems like he doesn’t know what he is doing.  Most of the credit and all the Glory belongs to God.  Nothing good can ever be done without God. In the Bible people do not trust God enough because they did not know what to do with this passage.  It was only presented in the Gospel of Luke but not in Matthew, Mark and John.  Trusting in God more than John, Matthew, and Mark is possible.  I am not saying this to belittle or be greater or say I am perfect; I am so far from perfect and Matthew, Mark and John are SUPER important books of the Bible EQUALLY valid to the gospel of Luke that need to be studied by everyone.  But I am saying this to have the spirt of the living God in me, Greater than the people in the Bible to bring forth salvation to the whole wide world, and to trust God even more than Mary and Joseph when Life doesn’t make sense.