We ought to have a computer programming language that is constructed using all of the words in the Bible. This idea would help computer programmers be more committed to Christ.  However, only computer programmers would know about this idea because the public does not see the language that a program or app is written in.  So why would I want to use Bible words to write computer programs if the people using the programs don’t see them.  Well, I think people would make better decisions if the anointing of God is on the computer program and thus also on the host computer running the program.  Maybe the difference is small like only 15% better and almost unnoticeable; that is better than 15% worse.  Since some people in society are wanting to take God out of everything, let’s try to do the opposite and put God in everything!  Computer languages are only a tool but let’s make the tool include Jesus in its underlying details. 
     An example of not including enough Bible details in something we use all the time can be seen with our money.  Starting in 1957, “In God We Trust” has been printed on our money.  It has now been on our money for 64 years and people are still sometimes making horrible decisions with money.  In my opinion that is because not enough Bible details are used in making and using our money.  If 85% or close to all of the details about making and using money are committed to Jesus, people would make better decisions.  “In God we trust” is good but you need more Bible specifications to really be committed to Christ.
        Everyone uses computers and people should want Jesus in the inside details of their computer. There is currently no way to put Jesus in the underlying details of programs running on computers. I challenge someone to make a computer programming language that is constructed using all of the words of the Bible (because I don’t know how to do it).

Computer Programming Language Using Bible Words image