19 Feb
  1. I have had a great time in my past with owning three different Abyssinian Guinea Pigs, one at a time. The first was a female named Carmel, next another female named Chloe and most recently a male named Sunny! In my opinion, these are the best-looking type of guinea pigs.
  2.  I consider these pets to be better than a rabbit because they bond quicker with their owner. The hamster is hard to hold on to so a guinea pig is easier to handle. Many people feel that a dog is the best pet you can own! I have owned a dog and actually agree. But if you want something smaller that you do not have to walk, a guinea pig might be your best bet. 
  3. Guinea pigs make unusual squeaking sounds! Sunny would squeak when I came in the house and he heard my voice. This is unique and a sound that no other animal makes. The more they squeak the happier I think they are! 
  4. Of the three guinea pigs that I owned, Sunny was the most active. He would climb up 12 steps from our basement to the main floor. Carmel once got away from me and a neighbor had to help me rescue her from under a bush! Chloe was the smallest of my pigs.
  5.  On a warm summer day it was fun putting one of my pigs under a clothes basket to freely eat grass! Guinea pigs need Vitamin C,  for example one orange slice 3 times a week.  The pellets, Ox Bow, is what vets recommend as best or plain pellets.  Also you can buy pellets with a lot of dried fruit in it but I recommend mixing 1/3 of it with the 2/3 of the other kinds of pellets.  Pellets with a lot of dried fruit should not be given pure because it has too much sugar in it. 
  6.  The chore not enjoyable about caring for a guinea pig is keeping it’s cage clean. This is something I needed to do nearly every day.  And also filling their water bottle.  I discovered the best shavings are very costly. Unfortunately, when I used pine shavings it sometimes caused their feet to become sore.  Currently I have NO Pets.
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