13 Nov

Even in heaven people will not all agree on food preparation or what color looks best for a building.  But disagreements will be five thousand times more peaceful than here on earth.  This is because everyone's viewpoint will be completely respected.   Also people will have special different room colors and food prepared perfectly just for them.  But everyone in heaven will all agree on scripture. What is your opinion?

My opinion of the Prosperity Gospel

The Prosperity Gospel is half good teaching and half bad teaching. Some people completely avoid the teaching of all of it. What is better is to give credit to the half that is Good and to say that the half that is Bad is falsehood. Biblically, earthly Prosperity is mostly falsehood. But Heaven is the Prosperity Gospel minus greed, selfish ambition and sin. So, to knock the Prosperity Gospel a little bit is ok. But some people go overboard and totally discredit the preacher. Knocking the Prosperity Gospel to that Degree is a knock that heaven is perfect. Do not let your personal pain in this life shake your faith in believing that heaven is perfect. 

The Bridge between the Prosperity Gospel and Heaven 

The Cross is the most important event in human history. It bridges heaven and earth. Earth and Heaven are totally different contexts. On earth, talking about the Cross is very important. However, once someone is in Heaven there is no suffering. So, there is little need for the cross in heaven. The emphasis for all eternity is worshiping our Lord and Savior, Jesus.

‘He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death’[b] or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.” Revelations 21:4

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