19 Jun

Imagine as a Christian the goal is to usually to win the game of chess, but you have a new rule when you play, you cannot take more than 5 pieces including the king and win the game.  If someone takes 5 pieces and one of those pieces does not include the king you automatically lose the game for taking advantage of the other person. 

If this viewpoint was taken by everyone in State and Federal Government then a better Christian balance would make for a happier life for everyone.  People in Government try to win without taking advantage of people too much then a good solution is made.  If Nations wanted to have their country win without taking advantage of one another above 50% less wars in the world would occur.  The problem is that this Philosophy if not agreed on by both sides it would not work.  The side that does not agree on it would take advantage of the other.   

Be as shrewd as snakes maybe could mean be shrewd about winning, but as innocent as doves about taking advantage of people. I think people need to be shrewder about winning for Jesus and how to win and be valued by God and others.  Just because the Bible says others above yourself and do something and expect nothing in return, does not mean let others walk all over you and be a door mat.   

Let’s look at the whole of scripture and how Christ values everyone.  When Jesus said turn the other cheek when someone slapped it meant something different socially at that time, it meant someone slapping you as your equal.  Deny self does not mean I am worth less than others. 

The goal is to win against the devil, get good grades in school, win sports games.  The exception is when an apology is made sometimes it will feel like you are losing.  This mainly applies to how leaders should run their business and how the Nation’s Governments should be managed. 

Based on the following scriptures 

Matthew 10:16 16 “I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore, be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves. 

 Luke 16:8 The master commended the dishonest manager because he had acted shrewdly. For the people of this world are shrewder in dealing with their own kind than are the people of the light. 

Also, I cannot take credit for the origins of the chess game just the new rule.

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