10 Feb

I don't know the day or hour or year but some hints in scripture leads me to believe it will be anytime 2-65 years from now due to the welcoming of evil around the world.  Be ready, confess all your sins, make sure you are saved.   Evil will last longer than people hope but God will make every wrong right and eventually God will put a stop to all evil.  Support leaders that support Nationalism above Globalism.  Care about your country whatever country it is first before caring about another country's issues. Scripture talks about honoring others above yourself at the local level that is what people are suppose to do.  But at a National or Global level people should be against this. Christians should never want Global technology to unify everyone's information or a leader of the whole wide world  to unify every nation in the whole wide world.  Scripture talks about an Anti-Christ will come to power.  But Christians should resist this in prayer. The Lord Will Come Back the Second Time Before 2,090.

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