20 Dec





The first line is a ray and represents half infinity because it has a starting point but then never ends. People have a Half Knowledge and Power limit compared to God.

The second line is a never-ending line that has no beginning and no ending, representing full infinity. God is All Knowing and All Powerful.

People are Half Infinity

People are half infinity because they have a starting point but never end.

Adam and Eve were the first persons created by God.

All things God created have a starting point.

After their starting point people are eternal and will live forever.

God is Full Infinity

Since God has no beginning and no ending, He is full infinity.

God always was and always will be.

God is everywhere at once.

My Philosophy of Half Infinity

Anything created has a starting point.

In my theory, if something has a starting point it has a limit of half infinity in Knowledge and Power.

In my theory, God put a limit on all created beings to make it impossible to surpass half infinity.

The Philosophy of Full Infinity

God is full infinity, which means nothing created God.

God had no starting point; He always was.

How does God also surpass half infinity? He does it by knowing everything but in a more advanced way than any created being.

While a created being in eternity might seem to know everything, God already knows the entire past and future that I call the already factor of God.

He has the already factor of God?

for thou hast magnified thy word above all thy name. 

Psalms 138:2b

I do not know how it works?

The Already Factor of God

Knowing everything in a more already way than all created things is something too Awesome to put in human terms.

Before Abraham was Born I Am

Jesus is the Great I Am.

Close to 2000 years before Jesus was born, Abraham was born.

It does not say at Abraham’s birth, “Jesus is the great I Am”.

It says before so that means it could easily be 4000 years or more before Jesus was born. God planned to have Jesus before the Universe was made.

Everything is known by God, thousands of years before it happened.

God Desires Unpredictable, GOOD Life

God wants us to live in the present.  But God himself is outside of time and thousands of years ahead of time. 

God is an Already Unpredictable Good God.

God, knowing everything, had plans and did not want a robotic or predictable life so that mankind would be more reliant on Him.

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