07 Apr

             Sometimes following Jesus is like being on a Political Giant Cruise Ship and there is a huge storm.  In addition to the storm, underneath a yard deep of water and below it is turned to blood that causes infection and half of all who touch this blood die from the disease.  Jesus is calling everyone from a mile away out of the Political Giant Cruise Ship to walk on water and follow Him.  But only 38% of the people get out of the boat and walk on water towards Jesus.  The 62% say it is safer to stay in the ship.  It appears to be safer and wiser to stay in the ship.  But after 5 hours of being in the ship the hurricane destroys the ship.  Sometimes it will appear unwise or crazy to follow Jesus but do not look at the middle of the storm, look at the final result.  If Jesus says get out of the Political Giant Cruise Ship and follow me you will be glad you did in eternity.    What are the multiple things that are Political Giants in society you be the Judge with Gods help? 

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