30 Aug

Well, if you look at money and business, people usually don’t say "I have a good product, but the other company has a better product or material good."  This causes confusion to what is best in business and politics because everyone says they are the best to make the most money.  However, not every company can be the best at everything.   If you dig deep into money, its motivation is what is the best product or service whether Christian or non-Christian.  Money can be used for Christ Jesus and churches; we have to work on making the motivation of money for Christ.  It is not automatic.  Jesus is the best and knowing what is the best instantly causes clarification.  

 Money is partially an illusion because it is only backed by the government saying it has value.  Also, money is partially an illusion because it only works because 85% or more of people say it has value.  But Jesus is the truth even in places in the world where 90% or more of people do not believe in Him.  It does not take believing in God to affect the power of God.  However, money is affected by wages, inflation, debt and decisions.  

Money, if used correctly, can be a tool to live wisely.  If God can trust you on earth to use money for the Kingdom of God, then in Heaven God will trust you with the riches of Heaven.  However, joy, faithfulness and obedience are more important than money.  The head of the world’s system of money clearly is not Jesus until His second coming.

  Listen to God. All the Prophets testify about Jesus. In Revelations 10:9-10 it says So I went to the angel and asked him to give me the little scroll. He said to me, “Take it and eat it. It will turn your stomach sour, but ‘in your mouth it will be as sweet as honey.’[a]10 I took the little scroll from the angel’s hand and ate it. It tasted as sweet as honey in my mouth, but when I had eaten it, my stomach turned sour.”  After listening to God and testifying about Jesus the word is as sweet as honey. But the world’s end time system of money will turn your stomach sour not because you are being shrewd with money and making good money but because of not believing that the Kingdom of God will flip the world’s system of money on its head. When Jesus comes the second time in the 1000-year reign with Christ, it is very questionable to focus on society getting worse rather than focusing on the return of Christ. 

Back then Acts 6:2 “It would not be right for us to neglect the ministry of the word of God in order to wait on tables.” 

Today “It would not be right for us to neglect the ministry of the word of God in order to wait on Politics.” 

 Jesus answered: “Watch out that no one deceives you.  Matthew 24:4 

About Money, Business and Politics Watch out that no one deceives you. 


Based on Acts 4:32-37, Luke16:1-15 and my opinion

 When everyone shared their possessions and there were no needy people, this was similar to socialism but in a very Christian way. Unfortunately, this usually would not work because people would take too much advantage.

 Luke 16 is about making things right after overcharging people. Being shrewd to cut the bill to help pay debts.  Money is situational; it is not a one size fits all mentality. My opinion is "capitalism with others above self" mentality and if neither of your current life’s situation fit the two scriptures then let’s look at options. Quality is more important than speed.  Separate people’s value from how much money they make.  People should get more praise for doing their best.  There should be more "Doing your best" contests.  What if someone is only average and doing their best and makes 70,000 a year.  But a genius makes 50 million.  In the eyes of God, it is only about doing your best is what God values, not who makes the most money.  

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