14 Sep

17 The reason my Father loves me is that I lay down my life—only to take it up again. 18 No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of my own accord. I have authority to lay it down and authority to take it up again. This command I received from my Father.”  (John 10:17-18 NIV)

That is what Jesus did for us but what about our position to Him? It is like people laying down their life for Jesus starting with Jesus and going down the staircase to lay down their life for Jesus even if life is going downhill, or like climbing the staircase and having a real successful life and meeting Jesus at the Top; then Jesus taking you to meet the Father.  In both of these scenarios Jesus is the Top step.  Whether your life is going well or going downhill it should always be thought of as Jesus at the Top step.  The staircase represents someone’s health, material possessions, money, job status and earthly things; things that people need but the ups and downs of life should not determine our Joy. Walking with Jesus whether you are going down the staircase of life, or up the staircase of God to success.  If you knew the Gift of God and who it is that asks you to care about the Kingdom of God more than the staircase of life you would ask Jesus and he would give you the perfect will for your life.  What is the will of God? The Father has not clearly defined it past not sinning but, a reading of the scriptures and praying and testing what you hear from God in your mind if you do not hear an audible voice of God or an Angel. In Heaven there will not be a staircase of ups and downs but a very consistent walk with the Lord. 

 The First word of the Bible is “In” Imagine Jesus expressing the situation of something that is or appears to be enclosed or surrounded by Jesus.  Jesus expressing a period of time during which a Holy Spirt event takes place or a situation remaining for Jesus.  Jesus in everything is a good word for being in the middle of the staircase of our life. 

“Amen” is uttered at the end of a prayer or hymn, meaning “So Be It” and it is the last word in the Bible. Maybe even better than Amen is Afterward Standing for Jesus;  so as to always go on for Jesus.  If you knew the Gift of God and who it is who asks you for your material goods, you would have asked Jesus and He would give you an enormous room in His Father’s House. The deepest thing people should want is Jesus empowered by the Holy Spirt and Salvation Granted by God the Father on Judgement Day. Go deeper than money, work hard like Jesus.  Amen is a good endurance and stamina word to reach the Top step for Jesus.

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