12 Nov

The Root of Thanksgiving
Thanksgiving is rooted in both Easter and Christmas. Prophetess Anna gave thanks to God for the birth of Jesus.  Easter is about the Crucifixion of Christ but notice also that Jesus gave thanks after breaking bread, “this is my body broken for you”. Both Easter and Christmas are about giving thanks.

The Root of who Jesus is 

Both Christmas and Easter are equally important. Jesus was born of a virgin and the Holy Spirt without limit. Being perfect is the prerequisite to Jesus dying on the cross because Jesus is the perfect sacrifice.  Jesus saves all those who want to be saved.  Jesus rose from the dead.  The Significant Prophets pointed to Jesus’s Life.  The Significant Kings pointed to Jesus’s Life.  The Significant High Priests pointed to Jesus’s Life. The MOST IMPORTANT Prophet, High Priest, and King of all, Jesus Christ, who is the Son of God, will have his Kingdom Come and Come Again.

Jesus, the Perfect One for All Seasons 

Christmas is a holiday mostly about the perfection of God. Perfection, Thanksgiving, and the Crucifixion are equally important.  The root of everything good and perfect is God.  In Genesis it says, He saw that creation was very good until mankind’s fall.  Jesus was born of a virgin and overshadowed by the Holy Spirt as perfect and good.  So, the root of God in Christ Jesus and the Holy Ghost, all 3 in one, is perfection.  Jesus had the perfect birth for Christmas; Easter has the perfect savior dying for our sins.  Thanksgiving has the perfect reason to be thankful that Heaven Rules in your life.  While people cannot be perfect, the Bible requires us to try.  So, try to have a perfect Fall with Jesus this Thanksgiving and, not just the holiday, but every day.  Try to have a perfect winter with Jesus this Christmas and, not just the holiday, but every day.  And try to have a perfect spring with Jesus over Easter and, when you fail,  repent at the Cross and you will be saved.

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