24 Oct

Multiple principles from Luke 8, the Parable of the Sower, can be used to help businesses be successful by using modern terminology to describe the principles. I think that Jesus would have used modern terminology if He were giving us this parable today in 2022. For example, replacing the word seed in the Parable of the Sower with the business words product or money or Computer might help today’s reader better understand the principles. Listed below are ideas describing principles from the Parable of the Sower that could be applied by businesses today in 2022. 

  • Undesirable Lessons
  • Misinterpretation of Facts
  • Could be represented by seeds sown by the farmer falling along the path, trampled on, and eaten by birds.
  • Examples:
  • People lying to and scamming others
  • Misinterpretation by accident
  • Low Reliability and Fortitude
  • Could be represented by seeds sown by the farmer that fell on rocky ground.
  • Examples:
  • People caring more about themselves than trusting God
  • People not willing to sacrifice to help others
  • Low endurance
  • Things that Block and Hinder Business
  • Could be represented by seeds sown by the farmer that fell among thorns.
  • Examples:
  • Money is more important than People and God
  • Pleasure is more important than Honesty and Work
  • People not caring if their pursuit of Pleasure and Money makes others suffer
  • Optimistic Lessons
  • Things that Make a Business Flourish
  • Could be represented by seeds sown by the farmer that fell on good soil.
  • Biblical Principles:
  • Owner who always thinks of his workers and customers and is a servant leader.
  • Good Workers who are honest and repeat good moral behavior over and over again.
  • Product or Service that is high quality, reliable, stands the test of time, and is repeatable over and over again.
  • Promotion of a Product or Service using modern technology in an honest and transparent manner that builds trust with current and future customers.

 In Conclusion The Bible is a book of principles that people can apply to business, school, church, or government.  Jesus likely used farmers in the Parable of the Sower because back then, over 2000 years ago, way more people were farmers. Today, Jesus would likely have used something different but the principals never change. 

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16 by 20 inches painting to represent all writing committed to Jesus whether it be txt, email, or, letters.   Painting Sold

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