05 Apr

Those who construct government buildings must sign a weasel (escape) clause that 5% or more of funds go to teach Christianity. The first commandment in the Bible is to not have other gods which means it is barely the most important one. The reason “barely” is used is because it is important to follow all the 10 commandments. What about our public colleges and k-12 public schools and for a mayors, governors, or white house? The money for these things would have weasel clauses for people to sign. It states 5% or more of the money funding all government buildings must have roots of Christianity and morals of Jesus as well as Bible verses for science, math, history and so on. The Bible does not tell us everything, but it highlights the most important points. So, if all the most important points are not taught in school, where does that lead us? People will say this idea is not realistic. I totally agree, especially the way things are now. What is also unrealistic is being neutral towards Christianity. Neutrality leads to slow chipping away of Christian rights. John 4:10

Jesus answered her, “If you knew the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked him, and he would have given you living water.”

 These scripture principles can apply to more than living water for eternal life, also at school and the workplace. If people knew the gift of God and who it is that asks them to have Christian principles in school and government, then they would have involved Jesus long ago and He would have given them a safer world to live in. In addition to personal tithing, in the government budget for all public buildings 5% or more of that should go to Christian education and morals. Since this is unrealistic, how are you going to at least make this true in your own personal life because you accept the gift of God?

 The wise man built his house upon the rock scripture found in Matthew 7:24-27

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