30 Sep

What would happen in this plan 200 dollars tax per year going towards a campaign for every man woman and child. The exact amount of money for every person in America, then there is equal representation by having 33% go to all Independent parties like the Green party, Libertarian party, Independent party: 33% to the Republican party: 33% to the Democratic party, 1% go to High School education. 

It would also be the law that whatever raises are given at State Level Governor's office or State Legislative or Judicial, 25% of that money would go in equal shares to Republican, Democrat or Independent parties. The same would apply to the Federal Government. Seemingly, money at least at the campaign level would be fair. No lobbyists or special interests groups would be able to give politicians money, and no funds for people to give politicians; all money for political reasons has to pass the House and Senate. So there could still be unfairness depending on who is in power and what laws pass, but at least fairness and equality in voting and campaigning. Citizens would only get their voice heard through contacting politicians and not with money.


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