17 Sep

The tiniest foothold of the devil in your life will cause major problems.  For example, the devil is more forceful than God because God does not force people to believe in Him.  But if someone has 90% God and 10% the devil in their life, the devil will expand 10% to maybe 40%; give the devil one inch and he will go an entire mile. Resist the devil and give him no foothold.  In fact, pray that the devil does not talk to God about you like in the book of Job.  The motivation is not to avoid hardship but to not give the devil any communication with anyone including God.  Break off the devil; resist the devil and he will flee from you.  Unfortunately, I see the devil gaining a foothold by people not recognizing the Anti-Christ system.  Just because the world wants a slow chipping away of Christianity does not mean God’s fortitude is smaller than the devil’s.  At a minimum in private, put God in everything; have a slow growing of Jesus in your life as a believer every day.                                     

         Believers say it is ok for God to communicate with the devil but I tell you resist.  When Peter denied Jesus 3 times it was fear of being killed and the devil’s influence.  Jesus did not prophecy this because he wishes bad things for people but because of evil in the world.  All the bad prophesies in Revelation were because of sin or the devil.  Clearly not due to the perfect will of God.  Suffering is the short term will of God on earth; but not suffering and the devil communicating with God.  


Is their anywhere in your or my life where the enemy has any foothold?

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