02 Feb

“My Kingdom is not of this world” is in the context of Jesus having to die for all the sins of the world.  The disciples did not stop the will of the Father by preventing Jesus’ arrest.  Another context is a spiritual King and Servant Leader teaching the people how to care for one another.  Jesus taught us to put others first and ourselves last.  Jesus’ Kingdom makes money of low importance compared to serving Him.  Jesus’ Kingdom conflicted with the kingdom of His day and He was falsely made to be a threat to the world’s kingdom.  Jesus wants people to do everything for the Kingdom of God.   

 “My Kingdom is not of this world” was never intended to separate God from the work force. That is not the context of scripture.  

Also, I am going to make the case that God was on earth two times as King.  First, after Moses and Joshua, God was the King of Israel, not the whole world.  Yet man chose a king in human flesh and God allowed it.  Second, Jesus came and did not rule as an earthly king like some people wanted.  He did this to be more approachable to everyone. 

The goal of all people should be to have everything committed to Christ for His reasons.  The Kingdom of Heaven is everlasting but the kingdom of earth will not last forever.  We place too much importance on the kingdom of earth but should have more emphasis on the Kingdom of Heaven.  Also, Heaven is God’s throne and earth is only a place for God to rest his feet.  Do not put all your fortune on earth because that will end up corrupting God’s footstool. 

So, while people need to have more emphasis on the Kingdom of God, what happens in this life matters because it has eternal consequences.  The negative things that happen to us do matter.  So then, the question is, “What is the right balance between the reality of an imperfect earth and the reality of Heaven being so Perfect?”  The answer is clearly unknown other than to be so rooted in Christ and the Kingdom of God that you do everything for the Glory of the Holy Spirt. 

In the Kingdom of Heaven, there are more colors than on earth and more wonderful things in Heaven than people can ever imagine.  Love the Creator God as the ultimate artist and His Kingdom more than anything else.

Based on the following Scriptures Daniel 7:27, John 18:36, 1 Corinthians 10:31, Acts 7:49

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