10 Feb

In Genesis the Tree of Life is for perfect health, eternal life and the perfection of God.  After Adam and Eve sinned, the Tree of Life is not mentioned until the book of Revelation.  And now people will not have access to the Tree of Life until they get to Heaven.  So, the question is what bridges the gap between the tree of life and the perfection of God. The answer is salvation by believing Jesus rose from the dead and his blood cleanses us from all unrighteousness. After that is the practice of the Fruit of the Spirt in a believer’s life, love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness and self-control.  

Why does the Fruit of the Spirt bridge the gap to the Tree of Life?  It is because if someone does the opposite of the Fruit of the Spirt, lives in sin and does not repent, they will not go to Heaven.  However, if someone repents and leaves their life of sin, they will go to Heaven.   

People never bear enough fruit for Jesus if they are not rooted in Christ.  If people are rooted in Christ and show the Fruit of the Spirt, they get to eat from the Tree of Life in the paradise of God. The Fruit of the Spirt Bridges the Gap to the Tree of Life. 


1.The Tree of Life is it the same kind of Tree in Genesis and Revelation? 

2. Which Fruit of the Spirt do you or I need to display better with God help? 

Based on the following Scripture  Revelation 22:1-5, Galatians 5:22-25, Genesis 3:24, John 15:4

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