Jesus is the root of every tree. Trees represent God’s people. Flying Guinea Pigs and Flying Dogs represent a Peaceful Atmosphere.

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All believers are like branches from a tree perfectly connected to Jesus as the root. Jesus is greater than the temple in his day, greater than Solomon's wisdom.

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The Honesty of God in multiple Angles.

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When Encourage yourself in the Lord and when do you have other get us to Jesus? Based on Philippians and Mark?

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Jesus Blood Never Fails me because it is the perfect suffering and understanding of Everything of the Son of God.

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El Shaddai is Hebrew for God Almighty YaSu is Chinese or Japanese for Jesus On Voy EE is French for Send Dee OS is Spanish for God

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Painting of a Guinea Pig licking ice cream and a description of my three guinea pigs from over the years.

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Check out Water for Life in Haiti and YouTube videos on Intelligent Design.

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In heaven people will all agree on scripture but not on favorite color or food. But disagreements would be 5000 times more peaceful.

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