02 Oct

Parable based on these Scriptures: John 1:49, Psalm 139, Matthew 13:32, John 15:1-17, Romans 11:11-24, Matthew 5:9 and Isaiah 11:6-8 

     Jesus is the root of every plant including every tree.  He is a tall and lofty tree in the midst of Mt. Zion, Israel and Jerusalem.  This tree is high and lifted up. The roots grow deep into the middle of the earth and to the ends of the earth.  Everyone has equal access to the root of Jesus everywhere in the world if people will accept Him, put their faith in Him and do His will. 

     In my growing up years I had three guinea pigs as pets. They are my favorite animal because they squeak for me and I enjoy holding them. Another pet I had was a dog. He was a great friend and companion. In the lofty tree we see flying guinea pigs and flying dogs! This represents what is peaceful to me! 

     In the Bible a symbol of peace is a lamb. They are gentle and easily led by their master. I have never had a lamb as a pet!  When Jesus, the true peace comes, wolves will live with lambs, bears and lions will not be harmful to people or other animals. 

     What is your symbol of peace? Jesus cares about peace and wants you to make a peaceful atmosphere in your personal tree. Be peaceful with everyone. Let there be peace on earth!

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